Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Saying 'Goodbye' to a terminally ill loved one with acceptance


How to say ‘Goodbye’ to a loved one with a terminal illness - SilverStone Hospice, Dallas, TX.

Dallas, United States - October 24, 2022 /SilverStone Hospice/

“Hospice is never about giving up hope; it is about expanding the quality of life, about exceptional medical care, and about love.” - Alfonso Montiel, volunteer CEO, SilverStone Hospice

Saying ‘Goodbye’ to a loved one is one of the hardest things in the universe. No matter how prepared one is for it, the finality of letting go forever is painful and overwhelming. The emotional pain and trauma that the caregiver and family member experiences are as palpable as the physical pain and trauma that the patient goes through. The time following a diagnosis of a terminal illness can be devastating in more ways than one - 

  • Acceptance - by the patient as well as their family. The fact that life will end sooner than expected is a punch in the gut that can numb. Accepting and acknowledging the reality and taking positive steps to ease the situation is all important.
  • Practicality - doing what it takes to make the patient comfortable is necessary. Assessing and understanding the patient’s needs and what the coming few months will entail with a clear mind will ease the transition for both the patient and the family.
  • Care and Support - finding the right support and care for a terminally ill loved one. When the diagnosis is terminal with six months or less to live, it’s time to look for a hospice near me to provide the patient and the family with the best care and support till the end.

What is Hospice Care?

Hospice Care is for those who have received a terminal diagnosis and who choose to improve their quality of life rather than pursue curative treatments. It is a challenging decision that is not easily made. But the sooner it is taken, the better it is for the patient to live the last days of their life to the fullest with dignity. A hospice provides holistic care and support to the patient and their family, hand-holding them through the difficult months ahead.

SilverStone Hospice’s mission is to enable families to provide the best end-of-life care for their terminally ill loved ones. They are a “fiercely compassionate and vigilantly supportive” team with a desire to make the last days of the patient peaceful and comfortable. They also believe in helping the patient and the family come to terms with the physical, spiritual, and emotional aspects of letting a loved one go and how to confront death. 

Family and Bereavement Support and Respite Care

Watching a loved one die is not easy for their family. In addition to coping with the grief, handling medication, therapies, doctor visits, maintaining hygiene and care for the patient, and managing housework as well as a job is a tough task for the caregivers. There are times when the family needs a helping hand in coming to terms with the situation. SilverStone is a Dallas hospice dedicated to providing care, guidance, and support to families of terminally ill patients at such times. 

Volunteers will step in and take over when the caregiver needs a break or needs to travel or take care of other important work. A Chaplain and social worker are also a part of the team. The Chaplain will step in to fulfill the spiritual needs while the social worker will help with counseling and therapeutic relief for the family even after the transition and for as long as the family needs to get over their grief. 

Hospice is a holistic approach to death - making the end-of-life transition a happy and peaceful process. It does not mean giving up or losing hope. On the contrary, it is about hope and happiness and living life to the fullest - creating happy memories and making the most of the time at hand. Patients under hospice care have even been known to improve and move out of hospice with the loving care and all-around support they receive. If you have a loved one who is dealing with a terminal illness and are looking for hospice care in Dallas, contact SilverStone Hospice at (214) 954-7285.        

Providing the best hospice care to terminally ill patients


SilverStone Hospice provides exceptional hospice care for patients.

Dallas, United States - October 17, 2022 /SilverStone Hospice/

Providing the best hospice care to terminally ill patients

Death is the final frontier - and life, the path that leads to it - a journey having innumerable ups and downs; happiness and sadness, joy and sorrow, pain and pleasure. It is up to each one to make the most of the good moments and create happy memories to last a lifetime. And at the final hour of life, look back with contentment at a life lived with purpose. Often, people with terminal illnesses lose hope and sink into despair. They see a bleak future, struggling with pain and sickness, and death looms large like a horrible monster. At such times, SilverStone Hospice steps in with their ‘No One Dies Alone Program’ - ensuring that the individual with a diagnosis of only six months or less to live transitions with peace and as comfortably as possible to the next realm. 

No One Dies Alone Program

Dallas hospice and palliative care company, SilverStone Hospice, has provided end-of-life care to people with terminal illnesses for ten years. Their ‘No One Dies Alone Program’ has volunteers who will be with the patient and their family in the final 24 to 48hours of the patient’s life. They are specially trained, but, more than training, they are empathetic, caring people dedicated to being there for the patient and their families in transition. These volunteers ensure that the patient is not alone in the final hours. They will also be there for the family after their loved one has passed on to help them cope with the feelings of grief and loss. 

The team is committed to making the patient at ease and the final hours happy and content. The volunteers will sit by the patient, read to them, play games, listen to their stories, or just hold their hands with compassion ensuring they are not alone when they pass on. 

While making the patient comfortable is one aspect, caring for the caregivers is another. Family members need support and some time to recoup their energies from time to time. SilverStone Hospice care Dallas, Texas, volunteers are there to provide relief to the family members whenever they need a break. 

Services offered

Besides volunteers, a dedicated physician and a nurse visit the patient regularly if needed. While they do not administer curative medicines, they take care of the symptoms experienced by the patient. SilverStone also provides medical equipment if needed.

More than medical care, patients in the transition stage need to be at peace with themselves, notwithstanding the pain and sense of loss that their loved ones are feeling. At such times, a chaplain will also visit and comfort the entire family with calming prayers or words. It is the most challenging time of life for all when spiritual guidance and support go a long way in making the transition peaceful. A social worker will also guide the family through the funeral and the administrative details to be taken care of once the event occurs. 

“With you every step of the Way!”

For hospice home care, Dallas’s SilverStone Hospice has it right. Being dedicated to making the final months, days, and moments of an individual suffering from a terminal illness a happy and peaceful time is a huge request. But they do it with love, compassion, caring, and empathy. Their volunteers become a part of the family and offer comfort, support, and guidance to the patient and the family trying to come to terms with the loss of their loved one. If your loved one has little time to live and you want to ease their passing, call SilverStone Hospice for a peaceful transition at (214) 954-7285. 

The best hospice care and experience


How to provide the best hospice care and experience for terminally ill loved ones with SilverStone Hospice

Dallas, United States - October 13, 2022 /SilverStone Hospice/

Empowering families to provide the best hospice care and experience to their loved ones

“In hospice, we don’t get do-overs; we have to get things right every single time, for every single family; and this is how we do things at SilverStone Hospice.” - Gloria Flack, MSN, RN, SilverStone Administrator.

With a philosophy like this, it is not surprising that SilverStone Hospice is a trusted name in the field of Hospice care in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex.

Care for a terminally ill patient does not consist of just medication. In fact, in most terminally ill patients, medication is given to alleviate the symptoms rather than to cure the disease or illness because it is beyond the scope of medicine to provide a cure. At this stage, most patients and their families lose hope and fall into despair. Often, the pain and fear of death and separation from loved ones get overwhelming for families. Both patients and their loved ones find it hard to accept the harsh reality of death - and land up grieving even before the inevitable occurs - losing precious time with their loved ones. But, SilverStone Hospice empowers families to provide the best hospice care for their terminally ill loved ones, hence enhancing their quality of life.

What is Hospice care?

Hospice care ensures that terminally ill patients do not suffer due to their symptoms. When medicines no longer work in curing or even arresting the progress of the disease, or a patient does not wish to pursue curative treatments, doctors advise hospice care. Hospice ensures that the symptoms a patient experiences get managed and that a patient receives the care they need. The philosophy of hospice is acceptance of death as the ultimate phase, and affirmation of life, without delaying or quickening it. Hospice care is about helping individuals spend the final stages of their life with dignity. It also includes spending quality time with loved ones and family - enabling them to come to terms with the end of life with acceptance and peace. 

Features of Hospice Care

  • Most often suggested by the doctor when a patient is terminally ill and has six months or less to live. However, it is the choice of the patient and the family since it is a family-centric program.
  • While a physician, 24-hour-on-call nurse, and medical equipment and supplies are part of hospice care, the purpose is pain management, relief from symptoms for the patient, and mental health and wellness.
  • Routine in-home care with weekly nurse visits provides respite for caregiver relief and crisis care.
  • SilverStone Hospice provides a custom care hospice in Dallas, TX, incorporating their Volunteer Program, We Honor Veterans Program, and No One Dies Alone Program. 

Why SilverStone Hospice?

One of the critical aspects of hospice care is the emotional support provided to the patient and the family. The last few months of a terminally ill person are full of pain and sadness. The hospice manages symptoms and the emotional, religious, and spiritual needs at this time. SilverStone is the best hospice care in Dallas, TX, because they believe in “doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.” They are there for support - physical, emotional, and spiritual - in the last stages of an individual’s life, and after the individual passes on, to the family. They hold the hands of the bereaved family after the passing of their loved one and take them through the different stages of acceptance for more than a year. Their team of compassionate, proactive, and attentive care providersprovides the highest quality of companionship, care, and service with selflessness and respect.

Should you need a helping hand in making the last days of your terminally ill loved one happy and fulfilling, call SilverStone Hospice at (214) 954-7285.