Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Living life to the fullest before dying of a terminal illness


How to live life to the fullest when diagnosed with a terminal illness - SilverStone Hospice, Dallas, TX.

Dallas, United States - December 9, 2022 /SilverStone Hospice/

Making life worth remembering before dying of a terminal illness

The only thing sure about life is that we all have to die someday. When and how is not in one's hands. Every person hopes to live a full, happy, and long life. But sometimes, certain situations put a spanner in the works - like a life-threatening or terminal illness. A hale and hearty individual is struck down by a serious illness or an accident, leaving them with a very low life expectancy - as little as six months or less to live. Suddenly, life seems bleak and challenging for the individual, the family members, and the caregivers. SilverStone Hospice care brings a ray of hope to patients who are at this juncture and need care and looking after during the last days of their life.

Making the time left to count 

We always wish we had all the time in the world to spend with our families, friends, and loved ones, making as many memories as possible. However, facing the reality that we will all have to leave this world at some point can be depressing and devastating.

But if one chooses, one can make the remaining time count in more ways than one.

  • Spending time with loved ones - it is time that is limited. Spending quality time with family and friends is therapeutic and gives immense pleasure. Both patients and family members benefit from this bonding - building memories and special moments together.
  • Creating memoirs and happy memories for those left behind - photographs and pictures are the best ways to preserve time spent with loved ones. Making an effort to create and store these memories in the form of movies, photographs, and other digital media is a legacy that the family will treasure.
  • Having a bucket list of things you wish to do with a terminally ill family member - Volunteers from one of the most trusted hospice companies in Dallas, TX, like SilverStone, will go the extra mile to help their terminally ill patients complete their bucket list as much as possible. Fulfilling these things or family activities will make their remaining time fruitful, satisfying, and worth remembering.
  • Writing letters and notes - sometimes emotions are so strong and palpable that putting them into words becomes difficult, especially when one is face-to-face with a loved one. So, putting down what one feels in a letter or a note may be easier than saying it. Convey the emotion because it will be a precious keepsake for the loved one.

SilverStone Hospice is always there

When faced with a life-threatening situation, one needs understanding, empathy, and care from trained professionals to take one through the pain and emotional upheaval. Hospice care provides all of this and much more. Besides alleviating the symptoms of the illness or condition, SilverStone provides a custom care hospice in Dallas, TX, using a holistic approach. They are certified and licensed to provide hospice care for terminally ill patients and will create a program according to the needs of the patient and the family. Dedicated and compassionate individuals come together to form a team that provides crisis management, grief counseling, and spiritual healing, or sit by the bedside to hold your hand. Being terminally ill is unfortunate, but it does not have to be a miserable time. Bring SilverStone Hospice into your home and let them make your final journey a happy time with loved ones and memorable moments. Call (214) 954-7285.

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